May 27, 2020

Bad Bacon

We all need a pal, a friend, a compadre to help us over the various obsticles of life. Maybe need isn’t the word as we can and will navigate many of those obsticles by our lonesome but given the opportunity having a pal standing shoulder to shoulder with us sure [...]
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1. Bad Bacon
Begin every round with 3 Burpees
min 1 10 Pushups
min 2 10 GHD Sit-ups
min 3 5 Ring Dips
note: repeat entire triplet for 30 minutes
**If time allows choose 1 extra credit**
*2.) 3 rounds
10 Push Press @ 50%
1 Free Standing Handstand Push-up
note: scale with 10 sec. handstand hold preferably away from the wall
*3.) 5 minutes:
40 foot Sandbag Carry
note: every time you hit 40 feet, drop the sandbag and pick it back up again
*4.) 3 rounds
7 Single Arm Bent-over Dumbbell Row, r & l, start heavy and add more each set
5 Strict Wide Grip Pull-ups

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