July 14, 2020


If the problem ain’t something within your reach why bother concerning yourself with it. Let those close to that problem deal with it. If it is within your grasp though, do everything possible to make it the best you possibly can. Our reach and head space are only so big [...]
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1.) EMOM for 8 minutes 3 Position Snatch (HH,H,F), heavier than prior if completed without fails.
Note: Do not drop bar during complex
2.) Wingman
3 rounds with a partner
60 cal Assault Bike (switch every 10 cal)
40 Burpees (switch every 5 burpees)
20 Thrusters 115/85lb (switch every 5 thrusters)
Extra credit:
1.) 3 Rounds
25 GHD Sit-ups
1:30 Plank
2.) Split Jerk from blocks 5 x 2, Heavier than prior
Drop to blocks after 1st rep and immediately reset, rest 90 sec.
3.) 3 x 50 UB Double Unders, rest as needed 7 minute cap.
4.) 4 mile run
note: maintain a sub 9 minute mile


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