July 29, 2020


A nice word and a smile sometimes makes all the difference. Since it’s hump day today let’s all celebrate it by telling someone something positive about something they did with a smile. Don’t blow smoke and make something up because we all know patronizing is not cool but if you [...]
View the Workout See the Whiteboard

1.) Anchor
Front Squat 225/155lb
Bar Facing Burpees
2.) 10 minute EMOM
Odd: 1 Rope Climb
Even: 1 Muscle Up -> 5 Ring Dips
Extra credit:
1.) With a partner
30 Sandbag Cleans 150/100lb
200m Sandbag Carry 150/100lb (Bear hug hold)
30 Sandbag Cleans 150/100lb
Note: Alternate Cleans and Carry as you wish
2.) 30-20-10
Hollow Rocks
Tripod to Headstand
Note: equally distribute weight between hands and head ie. don’t put all the weight in your head.

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