1050m Run (3 laps outside)
50 Box Step Overs 24/20”
75 Kettlebell Swings 50/35lbs
50 Cal Echo Bike
75 Hand Release Pushups
1050m Run
-35 min cap
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Erika Donaldson
Pushed myself to attend because I did not want to do those 50 bike cals, convinced myself I could go slow as long as I didn't stop.
Pauly VanderKelen
10 reps of Straight-Legged DL @ 135,185,225,275, & 295#
3x9 Overhead Tricep Extension with a 115# barbell alternating with 4x19 Lying Leg Raises with an empty Tri-Flexor on each foot and 3x9 EZ Bar Standing Arm Curl @ 80# / 3x9 Rope Tricep Pushdown @ 70# alternating with 3x9 EZ Bar Preacher Curl @ 80# / 3x12 Hammer Curl with 30# dumbbells.