Every 2 min for 4 Rounds
3 Position Squat Clean + Jerk
Set 1 at 73%, 2-3 at 78%, set 4 add load based on feel
For Time
Run 800m
5 Rounds
2 Power Cleans 225/155lbs
2 Ring Muscle Ups
-10 min cap
-Scale Power Cleans to 75%
-Scale RMU to RMU Progressions or Strict Pullups+Pushups
Accessory Work:
4 rounds for max reps
max rep Echo Bike Calories, 1:15
Rest 30 secs
max rep Echo Bike Calories, 1 min
Rest 30 secs
max rep Echo Bike Calories, 45 secs
Rest 30 secs
max rep Echo Bike Calories, 30 secs
Rest 2:30
3 min quad smash per side
3 min calf smash per side