April 3, 2024


Both East and West gyms will be closed from 5:15-8:15am on Wednesday, April 3rd due to inclement weather. Assume regular schedule from 8:15am-Close unless otherwise updated. Thank you and stay safe!
View the Workout See the Whiteboard

Minute 1: Max Distance Handstand Walk (10 ft. Segments) OR Max Wall Walks
Minute 2: 20 Seconds Crossover Single Under Practice+1-3 Pullovers
Minute 3: 8 Thrusters 95/65lbs
Minute 4: Rest

15 min to build up to heavy unbroken complex:
1 Deadlift + 1 Hang Clean (any style) + 2 Lunges + 1 Shoulder to Overhead

Accessory Work:
Every 3 min for 3 Rounds
10 V-Ups
10 Devils Press 50/35lbs
-Add 5lbs to DP each round

3 min delt smash per side
3 min hamstring smash per side

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