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Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year!

New Year’s Hours:
New Year’s Day – Both Gyms Closed
Reminder that as of January 2nd, the 11:30/12:30 class will blend into one class at Noon for more athletes and more fun in one time slot!
Lastly, due to lack of utilization, the East gym only will be removing 9:15am and 6:30pm classes. No worries, if we get more interest in those time slots in the future we will bring them right back!

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Danielle Stelmach
Happy New Year! 🥳
🧊 Ice Bowl Practice
David Rueckl
Did Tomorrow’s WOD. 245# dead lifts banded pull ups
Emom @85# Super fun workout at the #Uncivilized west side! Coffee with Tom,Jimbo,Kyle, and our gracious host Ericka. 25# PR Deadlift 400# I think the weights are lighter on the west side!
Tom Fameree
Pauly VanderKelen
Bulgarian Split Squats: 10 reps on each leg of Bodyweight, 40, 50, & 60#
4x12 Kneeling Ab Rollouts with 22.5# in the weight vest alternating with 4x11 Forearm Curls with a 60# barbell / 3x11 Calf Raise @ 175# alternating with 17 reps of Lateral Raise with 15, 20, & 25# dumbbells / 4x13 Strict Press with 35# fatbells.