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David Rueckl
Did Tomorrow’s WOD. 245# dead lifts banded pull ups
Emom @85#
Super fun workout at the #Uncivilized west side!
Coffee with Tom,Jimbo,Kyle, and our gracious host Ericka.
25# PR Deadlift 400#
I think the weights are lighter on the west side!
Pauly VanderKelen
Bulgarian Split Squats: 10 reps on each leg of Bodyweight, 40, 50, & 60#
4x12 Kneeling Ab Rollouts with 22.5# in the weight vest alternating with 4x11 Forearm Curls with a 60# barbell / 3x11 Calf Raise @ 175# alternating with 17 reps of Lateral Raise with 15, 20, & 25# dumbbells / 4x13 Strict Press with 35# fatbells.