Whiteboard Search
Saturday, October 31, 2020


Happy Halloween everyone! Come on out for a morning filled with tricks and treats all in the form of our free weekly community WOD at 8:15am. Well, no tricks really but treats will be in abundance in the form of random bite size competitive exercises. How fun!
Have a spooky day!

Who’s the creeper by the rig?
james macco 9:56PM on Oct 30, 2020

1.) Every 2 minutes 5 Back Squat @ 65% for 10 minutes
2.) 14 Minute AMRAP
1 Rope Climb
50 Walking Lunge
1 Rope Climb
30 Alternating Step-ups 24/20”
1 Rope Climb
10 Toes to Bar
3.) 50 GHD Sit-ups for time

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Alex Ebert
Elizabeth @115# — 9:13
Theresa Rosenquist
5 mi hike/walk @ Chatahoochee River
1:44.27 Cochran Schoals = HILLS