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Pauly VanderKelen
Incline Bench Press: 10 reps at 95,115,135,155, 175, and 185#, then 10 reps of close grip @ 155#
2x15 45 degree, and 2x15 30 degree Incline Bench Press with 55# dumbbells alternating with 4x13 BOBBR @ 235# / 4x15 Strict GHD Sit-ups with a 55# plate on my chest alternating with 3x12 Barbell Overhead Tricep Extension @ 85# and 3x13 Seated Incline Arm Curl with 30# dumbbells / 2x13 Tricep Pulldown @ 65# alternating with 2x10 Preacher Curl with 35# dumbbells / 2x20 Hammer Curl burnout with 20# dumbbells.