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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Beef Jerky

Monday is Memorial Day and on Memorial Day we do "Murph." Rolling schedule from 8am-11am, meaning you can come in any time between that time and start your workout. Gym will close at noon so please be started by 11am. Bring your family or friends and drop ins are welcome.

Run 1 Mile

100 Pull-ups

200 Push-ups

300 Squats

Run 1 mile

Have a great Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

1.) Beef Jerky
30/24 cal Assault Bike
3 rounds
3 Muscle Ups
2 Bar Muscle Ups
30/24 cal Assault Bike
3 rounds
3 Bar Muscle Ups
2 Muscle Ups
30/24 cal Assault Bike
2.) 5 rounds
ME Strict Press @ 50%
Rest 2 minutes
3.) n.f.t.
50 Hip Extension with 1 sec pause on bottom & top
10 Back Extension with 5 second pause on bottom & too

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Pauly VanderKelen
Rest Day
Traveled back to Green Bay from Fawn Lake Campground, Shawano.
Theresa Rosenquist
Biking w/ friends
35 mi - High Cliff. 2:12.05 (~15.9 mph)