Whiteboard Search
Saturday, April 14, 2018

2018 Wisconsin LWC State Championship

Green Bay Barbell presents the 2018 Wisconsin LWC State Championship this weekend. Lifting begins at 9am Saturday and Sunday
Saturday Sessions:
Session 1-9AM: Youth Women/Youth Men
Session 2-11AM: Women 58 & 63KG Junior/Senior/Masters
Session 3-2PM: Men 69KG & 77KG Junior/Senior/Masters
Session 4-4PM: Women 48KG, 53KG & 69KG Junior/Senior/Masters
Sunday Sessions:
Session 5-9AM: Men 85KG & 94KG Junior/Senior/Masters
Session 6-11AM: Women 75KG & 90 KG Junior/Senior/Masters
Session 7-1PM Men 105KG & 105 KG Junior/Senior/Masters

Drive safe in the snow, let’s see some Kilo’s get thrown around and most importantly kick some ass Green Bay Barbell!

“The gym is closed this weekend due to the snow” #irony 😭
Sylvia Christensen 5:42AM on Apr 14, 2018
**No classes all weekend**

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Paula Soletski
150 bs, 25 du c&j 110# q 2mn x10 rds. 30 hspu (sets of 10) w/kip, 30 pu w/kip, 30 dl135#, 30bfb. did 1 round in 14 min. ohs 85#. Hallow,superman done. At crossfit estero.Reward=3 hours in the sun. Best wishes to all the lifters. Hope everyone is safe.
Pauly VanderKelen
5x5 HBBS @ 280# / Drop set: 15 reps @ 245# / EMOM10: 7 thrusters @ 115# for a total of 70 / 3 sets of 5 wide grip pull-up, 5 regular grip pull-up, and 5 chin-ups / Shoveled!