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Thursday, January 1, 2015


It is now the year 2015.  We will have ups and we will have downs in the coming months but we will get through them together.  Wake up every day and be thankful for what you have and what you have to give to the lives of those around you.  Keep setting those PR’s and slamming barbells.  Keep setting goals and aggressively working until you accomplish them.   Most importantly live life every day because as we all know life goes fast and in a blink of an eye it can be taken away from you.  Never stop growing, never stop learning and never stop caring for one another.  Cheers to those we lost in 2014, we will never forget you.  Here’s to a great 2015 and to the endless possibilities that lie in front of us.
Happy New Year’s my friends, you all mean the world to me.
1.) Write down short term goals (1-2 months)
2.) Write down long term goals (3-6 months)
3.) Plan diet and training to accomplish said goals
4.) Begin execution of said plans January 2, 2015

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Mark Davis
Home 5k and push ups
Happy New Year Everyone!
Mary Stueber
Happy New Year CFGB!
Completed the tasks :-)
RaLinda Lamberies
5 mi run and yoga
Happy New Year all!Does #4 mean youre giving us 1 more day to eat like crap?!?
ha! no!
Grant Soletski
Theresa Rosenquist
Happy New Year everyone!!
Time to tighten some shiz up!