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Sunday, February 8, 2015


The 2015 Ice Bowl was a great success thanks to you.  The floor crew run by Amy Zynda made the transitions flawless.  The volunteer coordinator Jamie Kemen kept the crowd and the facilities 100% under control.  Tom Schmidt kept the WODs on time, the athletes in position and crowd aware of everything as MC.  The Judges did a wonderful job of keeping the athletes in check.  Betsy, Lisa and Z did all the magic behind the scenes and kept the action flowing.  The fans kept the athletes pumped up with their loud support the entire day.  Justin ran the show like he’s been doing this for years.  The amazing group of athletes that worked their tails off to showcase what they do every day in their own gyms.  To anyone I din’t mention, I apologize my head is tired but thank you from the bottom of my heart.  You all made this annual celebration of OUR SPORT a great one and I look forward to the many years ahead of this great event. Here’s to the 2016 Ice Bowl may it be better than this year and that’s a big goal because this one is going to be hard to beat.
Sponsors: THANK YOU for providing us with the funds, services and products to make this whole thing even possible.
CFGB athletes, all I can say is well done.  You moved for the most part like angels and even the few blips in between you all performed like you train: with intensity and attention to the details.
I will write up a bit more tomorrow night on our sponsors and athletes but right now I’m exhausted.  Thank you again everyone you guys kick you know what.
For today’s WOD do one, two or all three WOD’s, you choose.  You can also do the scaled version or the masters version as well.  You can compare your times to the Ice Bowl Competitors and see how you would have stacked up yesterday!
Happy Sunday!
1.) 15-12-9
Unbroken Double Unders
Snatch 115/85lb
Calorie Row
7 minute cap
2.) 5 Rounds
5 Pull Ups
5 Toes to Bar
5 Front Squats 205/145
Upon completion of 5 rounds ME Front Squats until time expires
5 minute cap
3.) Ascending Ladder
Deadlift 315/215
Muscle Up
5 minute cap

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Che Ater
Team Wod w/ the Schmidts and Christian
2rds, 100 of each bj, burpees, kbs, pull ups, cal row. Warm up of a million lunges @ 65# (or what it felt like at least)
Jake Plennes
Firehouse WOD 5 rounds30 WB10 strict pull up
Mark Davis
Scaled all three wods
Congratulations to all competitors at the Ice Bowl!
Scott Herber
Glad I didnt compete...
scaled each workoutThrough 2 of 9 snatchesFinished with 0 extra credit fs50 in the final wodCongrats to all who competed yesterday was fun watching.
Theresa Rosenquist
Yvonne Otero
vaca wod
30 min walk/jog, 15-12-9 squats, push ups, sit ups