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Saturday, September 26, 2015

WOD 150926

Please join us for our weekly 8:15am community WOD. It's free and it's really fun in a sick and twisted sorta way.

1.) 15 reps to find a 1RM Snatch. Anything under 95(men)/65(women) does not count towards reps. No more than 15 reps and not a second over 15 minutes
Complete Clean & Jerk in same fashion as Snatch. Anything under 135/95lb does not count towards reps. Not a second over 15 minutes. 30 minutes to find both 1RM’s.
2.) Parter WOD
20 minute AMRAP
One person works, one watches in amazement.
Run 800m (partition as you wish)
50 GHD Sit-ups (partition as you wish)
50m Farmer Carry, 2/1.5 pood (partition as you wish)
Flip tire two times everytime you switch working partner or change movement

You must login above to log your score

Laura VanderKelen
2 rounds plus 500meters with the sexy beast Pauly
80# snatch (5# pr)
Pauly VanderKelen
2 rounds + 500m with my Honey, Laura J!
205# snatch / 245# C&J / Completed squat complex from Wednesday (too sore to squat on the day they were programmed) / Practiced DL hold-row WOD for the Gauntlet
Theresa Rosenquist
Squatting & Heavy Annie
50/40/30/20/10: DU/Squats/25# Situps 15 ish min > accessory work: 30 planks (L/R/C), 10 pistol prog, 10 BOR (L/R #40)
Tyler Beckett
Finished Free WOD
Thanks Jake P for being a cool partner today, for breakfast I am eating some humble pie.
Where the heck was your sweatshirt????
Erin Buntin
If I would of left that on...I would of been buried in it
Tyler Beckett
LOL Tyler!
Theresa Rosenquist
LOL Tyler!
Theresa Rosenquist
If I would of left that on...I would of been buried in it
Tyler Beckett
Where the heck was your sweatshirt????
Erin Buntin