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Saturday, August 22, 2015

WOD 150822

Come and join us for our first free class in the new gym this morning and take a look at the cool things to come at CFGB. New cycle of On Ramp begins Monday so if you've been waiting to get started now is a great time. Plus, you will be the first class in the new place!
Have a great Saturday!

1.) 20 minutes to find 1RM Snatch or Clean & Jerk
2.) Carrie-on
5 Rounds
Run 400m with 45/25lb bumper plate
Lunge 50 feet with 45/25lb bumper plate
45/25lb bumper plates shall be carried throughout the entire 5 rounds. If plate gets set down at any time there is a 5 burpee penalty, so if you need a rest and you sit the plate down you owe 5 burpees. The plate can be held however you wish.

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Michelle Johnson
15:26 Rx
Josie: 16:06 10#, 55# Snatch PR
I wasn't kidding...Josie had some photo worthy tecnique!!
Theresa Rosenquist
I wasn't kidding...Josie had some photo worthy tecnique!!
Theresa Rosenquist
Theresa Rosenquist
16:38??? (Alzheimers!) 1/2 mii AirDyne v. run w/ 5 Burpees pre-post, otherwise rxd, Snatch #80 - tech!!!